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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

As we age, our hormone production naturally decreases. Research indicates this decline begins around age 20, with levels diminishing by approximately 1% each year, leading to an estimated 40% decrease by age 60. Women, in particular, face additional challenges during menopause, marked by a significant drop in hormones due to ovarian failure. While fat cells can produce estrogen, there is no natural source for progesterone and testosterone, necessitating external support through Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).


It's important to note that many hormones available in the market are derived from petroleum-based chemicals or animal sources, such as horse urine. These substances may pose risks, including increased chances of cancer and blood clots, due to their larger molecular structure and more aggressive stimulation of hormone receptors.

For this reason, natural alternatives are preferable, as they closely mimic the hormones the human body produces. These bio-identical hormones are sourced from botanicals, like cassava, which are known to lower cancer risk.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Before any supplementation, patients must have their hormone levels assessed through saliva or blood tests. This personalized approach ensures that supplementation meets each patient's unique needs, with the goal of restoring hormones to a more youthful profile.

Female Hormone Therapy:

PCOS: How Hormone Replacement Therapy can help

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a genetic condition that is present from birth. For some younger patients, it may lead to an early decline in hormone levels and, in some cases, early menopause.

Bioidentical hormone therapy plays a crucial role in preserving ovarian function and supporting fertility for those affected. Women with PCOS often face challenges such as infertility, reduced quality of life, and symptoms
including depression, sexual dysfunction, and hair loss.

Exploring treatment options and understanding the implications of PCOS are essential steps toward improving well-being and quality of life for those diagnosed with this condition.

How Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help

What is Andropause?

Andropause refers to the gradual decline in testosterone levels in men, typically occurring in middle age but increasingly observed in younger men as well. This hormonal shift can lead to a variety of symptoms that significantly impact quality of life.

Symptoms of


Men experiencing andropause may encounter many challenges, including:

Low Sperm Count

This can contribute to infertility issues for couples trying to conceive.

Sexual Dysfunction

Many men report difficulties with libido, erectile function, and overall sexual

Cognitive Decline

Reduced testosterone levels can affect memory, concentration, and mood, possibly leading to feelings of depression or anxiety.

Decreased Physical Potency

Men may notice a decline in energy levels, muscle mass, and overall physical strength.

If you're experiencing symptoms of andropause, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your hormone levels and discuss the appropriate treatment options. Hormone Replacement Therapy can effectively mitigate the effects of andropause, helping men regain their vitality and improve their overall quality of life.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Hair Loss

Androgens (such as Testosterone and its derivatives - DHT), estrogen, and progesterone are essential to hair
growth. An imbalance in these hormones can lead to hair thinning or loss.

Benefits of HRT for Hair Loss

Improved Hair Density

Many individuals report increased hair density and reduced hair shedding after  starting HRT, thanks to the restored hormonal balance.

Stronger Hair Growth

HRT can optimize the growth cycle, leading to healthier and stronger hair follicles.

Enhanced Self-esteem

HRT can significantly improve individual confidence and body image by effectively addressing hair loss.

At Blue Haven Medical, we combine HRT with hair restoration procedures such as

Vampire Hair Restoration to achieve increased results.

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